What is a Fixture?
Have you ever walked through a house that you absolutely loved, including the way the sellers have decorated? If this has happened to you, you’ve probably wondered in that same moment, what stays with the house and what would the sellers take with them in their move? It’s a question I get asked quite often as we are touring houses, so I thought I’d clear it up!
A fixture is something within the house that is physically attached to the property AND would require tools to remove it. Knowing what a fixture is in general will help you figure out what stays in that house you love and what you might need to negotiate.
There are a few other questions to ask that will help decide if the object is physically attached and will come with the sale. One of the easiest is, does the seller state in their contract of sale the item is a fixture? Many times sellers will include in their agreement big ticket items like the dish washer, refrigerator or stove is or is not included. Looking at the paperwork will give you a quick easy answer.
However, many of the smaller items like curtains, rods and built-in’s might be a little bit tricker to figure out. In cases like these, adaptability of the object is something to consider. Is the fixture an integral part of the property? Built-in bookshelves that were made by the seller and bolted next to the fireplace are not easily adapted and, although added by the seller, have now become part of the home. Another great question in this case is, what is the intention of the object. Since the seller intended for the built-in bookshelves to look as if they were originally part of the home, they’ve then become a permanent item. Another example of this would be light fixtures, towel racks and chandeliers. If the sellers have recently updated these things, they have intended for them to be a part of the home which would make them a fixture and a part of the sale.
Overall, items that are permanently attached to the home at the time the home goes on the market are considered a fixture. As always, if there is an item in the gray area we can ALWAYS ask in our negotiations! I am here to help get you exactly what you would like in the buying (and selling) of a home, I will never hesitate to go to bat for all of my clients!
Here is a fun little cheat sheet to help you decide as you walk through your next home what is and what is not a fixture!