🐾 All Things DOGS 🐾

Dog sitting in field with Raleigh, North Carolina text overlay

If you know me personally or have talked to me for more than five whole seconds, you know I love LOVE love dogs. Any dog, any time in any situation I choose all the dogs!

Katie Rother sitting outside with her two dogs

But I have two extra special ones of my own. Introducing, for a second time, my babies: Apollo and Sunny! Apollo is the black lab who Jeremy and I got together before we got married, he just turned 13! He was the best man in our wedding! Sunny is the yellow lab who came along several years after our wedding from a liter Jeremy’s parents were raising. She truly is sunny and can’t ever be more than two feet away from her best brother. They are the joy of my life!

Sunny and Apollo, Katie's two dogs

Sunny always cuddling Apollo

Katie's dog, Apollo

My sweet Apollo

Katie sitting with her two dogs, Sunny and Apollo

Always hanging with my best friends! 

These are some of my favorite items I use for Apollo and Sunny just about every day. I hope it can help you if you’re a new dog mom or dad! And even if you aren’t new to having dogs, it’s always nice to have some tried and true options that you may not have been aware of!

Photo collage of dog supplies and accessories

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